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Custom Wedding & Anniversary Gifts
for Bridal Couples, Parents, Friends
by Elaine Adler

Each work of art begins with a blank page. Together we can brainstorm about a meaningful passage and design for the recipients — a gift you will be proud to present to your parents, family member, or friend.

Personalized Birthday Gift, 30" x 17" — ©2010 Elaine Adler
This birthday gift is full of imagery that represents the mother and wife who was the recipient. Included in the illustrations are: the castanets, fan, and green scarf she uses when doing Flamenco dancing; images from the family's travels; and entwined Hebrew script for the names of family members. The poem is a rewritten personalized version of the Eshet Chayil proverb, written by her husband and grown children, which they now sing to her before Friday night dinners for Shabbat. I pulled out one line from the Eshet Chayil, Full of joy is her heart, for the bottom border. After the husband sent me photographs of images that might appeal to his wife, I was given free reign to play and be creative, allowing me to just have fun with it.

All designs, artwork, articles, and descriptions displayed on this web site are
copyright ©1995-2010 by Elaine Adler and Elaine Adler Word Designs.
All rights reserved.
Please do not copy, print, or reproduce in any form any of the artwork, text, graphic design,
or any other part of this web site without the express written permission of Elaine Adler.
Web site design by Elaine Adler.